
A female student using a pipet to drop liquid in a test tube as a part of a science experiment

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we begin the final module of this academic year, I’m pleased to communicate that the vast majority of our students arrive at the Academy looking smart in their full uniform every day, ready and eager to learn.

However, as the weather changes and temperatures increase, we felt it useful to remind all about our expectations relating to uniform.

As per the guidance available on our website, students are expected to wear the following:

  • Our navy blue blazer with academy crest;
  • Steel grey classic trouser or pleated skirt;
  • White button up shirt;
  • Leigh Academy Blackheath college or founders tie;
  • Plain navy or grey socks;
  • Black leather shoes with plain laces (coloured laces are not permitted).

A reminder that students are required to wear their college tie at all times. If a student does not have a tie, these can be temporarily exchanged for their mobile phone from the Academy Cloakroom (this is to ensure said uniform is returned at the end of the day). Ties can be purchased online via either of our retailers: Khalsa Schoolwear or Brigade.

Please note that for this module only, due to the summer weather, we do not require students to wear their jumpers to school.

It is also important to remind students that they are not permitted to wear makeup such as false eyelashes, coloured or acrylic nails and jewellery, including bracelets, necklaces and hooped earrings.

Students not following our uniform expectations will receive a sanction.

You may also recall that, as part of their equipment this year, we have asked your child to bring in a water bottle. This is especially important as temperatures increase. We place a strong emphasis on the importance of a healthy lifestyle at LAB and thus do not permit students to bring sugary, fizzy or energy drinks onto the academy site. These will be removed from students and can be collected at the end of the day from college teams.

Finally, please let us take this opportunity to remind you that mobile phones are not permitted to be used on the academy site. If seen, they will be removed, and parents or carers will be called to collect. In the rare instance that a child should need to contact home during the day, they can do so via their college Student Services Manager (SSM), as appropriate.

Please do not hesitate to contact your Head of College if you wish to discuss these matters further. Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,

Ms C Lindars
Vice Principal