The Safeguarding Team at LAB

All staff and volunteers have a duty to keep students safe and to protect them. They must feel able to raise issues of concern and everyone must fully recognise their duty to do so particularly in terms of child protection.


Mr K O’Donnell (Deputy Safeguarding Lead 

Mrs E Windsor-Stokes – Designated Child in Care Support 

Ms E Wheeler
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs E Smith
Senior Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mr D Morrison
Senior Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs C Clindars
Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mr E Crawford
Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs C Joy
Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mr J Smith
Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Ms A Phillips
Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mr K O'Donnell
Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs E Windsor-Stokes
Designated Child in Care Support

If you have any concern about a safeguarding issue please speak to the appropriate person or email