Dear Parent/Carers
Re: Strike Action
Further to my previous correspondence, the National Education Union (NEU) is planning to continue with its industrial action with two strike days that will take place on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March 2023. I am writing to give you as much notice as possible of the likely impact of the action on the academy.
It remains our intention to minimise disruption where possible and ensure vulnerable students and the children of key workers are still able to attend school in person.
For the majority of students, they will be asked to study remotely during strike days, and live online lessons will take place in line with the normal timetable where possible. Where a lesson was due to be taught by a member of staff that is striking, alternative work will be set to be conducted during that lesson.
Where possible we will ensure that students in year 11 who are preparing for exams are prioritised for live teacher support and we will aim to use strike days as part of the normal preparation for exams to avoid disruption during this critical period. Please note that the following year 11 students will be expected to attend on site on the following days:
Wednesday 15th March – FAWCETT Yr 11
Thursday 16th March – Airy Yr 11
Vulnerable students and the children of key workers will be able to attend school as normal and will join their classmates in virtual lessons under the supervision of academy staff. Break and lunch times will operate as normal with appropriate supervision in place in the normal way. If you are a critical worker and have not yet filled out the google form to confirm your child will be attending, please do so here. If you do not require a place for your child then they can attend virtually along with other students.
If you are a parent of a vulnerable child, we will contact you separately to confirm your child’s attendance on strike days.
Packed lunches will be available from the restaurant at the end of the day on Tuesday 14th March for those students who have a free school meal. Please ensure you inform the academy here if your child requires one.
We appreciate that industrial action is disruptive and you may need to change your plans or working arrangements whilst this action is ongoing. We will of course continue to monitor the arrangements in place and make modifications where possible to improve support for students where we can. If the strike action is called off then we will confirm this immediately and in this eventuality, the school will be open as usual to all students.
If you have any questions or concerns about the alternative arrangements outlined above, please contact the academy at in the first instance. As ever, thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs E Smith