End of Module 1: Sancho – 21st Oct 2022

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Dear Parents/Carers,

As we come to the end of the first Module of this Academic year, I’m proud to reflect on what an excellent start to the year it has been. I’m incredibly proud of how Sancho college students have hit the ground running with a smooth transition into this year.


Already this year there have been various trips out that are linked to rewards or as part of GCSE courses. It’s amazing to see this aspect of school life opening up again and I encourage all parents and carers to support this aspect where possible. A summary of their trips will be included in the newsletter closer to Christmas.


  • A summary of attendance for Sancho college is as follows: Overall: 93.1%
  • Tutor groups over 95% attendance: 7B, 7E, 8B, 9E

Although it has been outlined before, it is important to reiterate that attendance and punctuality has an impact on students’ progress in school due to missed learning opportunities. We recommend that you log into the My Child At School App to monitor your child’s own figures.


As we close in on the Winter months and the temperature changing, we felt it would be useful to remind you of the expectations of uniform (particularly PE kit)

As per the guidance available on our website, students are expected to wear the following for PE days:

  • Sports Polo with Academy Crest
  • Sports Shorts/Skort or tracksuit bottoms
  • Sports Jumper with Academy Crest
  • Navy Sports Socks
  • PE Bag with Academy Crest (Optional)
  • Trainers – (Plimsolls or Converse-style canvas shoes are not appropriate and not permitted)
  • PE uniform is compulsory and should be brought to every PE lesson.

Normal day school uniform has been excellent so far this year across Sancho college so I would like to thank you for your support in ensuring your child looks smart and ready to learn.


There has been an increase in the communication to Y11 parents and carers over the past few weeks outlining interventions, key dates, etc. It is, of course, an important year for this year group and I would like to thank parents and carers for their support in ensuring students engage in all aspects of support that LAB are offering through interventions, MyTutor and Library Study Sessions.

Please engage with your child about the revision techniques that have been taught to them over the past week (including flash cards, self quizzing and Pomodoro!)

Mobile Phones and Digital Safety

As you are aware, mobile phones are not permitted to be used on site. If seen, they will be removed, and parents or carers will be called to collect. Should a child need to contact home during the day due to an emergency, they should speak to one of the SSMs (Student Service Managers).

Following our previous letter, we continue to stress the importance of students using social media appropriately. Unfortunately, we have been made aware of some unkindness on year group Whatsapp groups, and other social media platforms, by some students. We would like to take this opportunity to highlight the importance of families monitoring their child’s social media use. Whilst we are not directly responsible for your child’s interactions on social media, we are of course invested in their wellbeing. We would ask, therefore, that all parents/ carers continue to monitor their child’s use of social media and discourage any involvement in whatsapp groups. We would also remind parents and carers that, as of 2018, the minimum age of use for WhatsApp in the UK is 16 years old.

For more information on how to monitor your child’s use of social media, please visit: www.nationalonlinesafety.com/hub. Please contact your child’s tutor if you have any concerns.

I hope that you have a restful Half Term break and we look forward to welcoming all students back on Monday 7th November.

Yours sincerely,

Mr J. Ritchie | Vice Principal – Head of Sancho College