Attendance letter – 9th Sept 2022

A group of boys stood in the canteen pointing at food

Dear Parents and Carers,

From September 2022, the Department for Education has introduced new guidance for schools in relation to attendance. This means that as a school we will be taking a much more active role in supporting families whose children have attendance that is falling below national expectations of 97%. This is a national threshold set by the Government. 

The Royal Borough of Greenwich and Leigh Academy Blackheath are following Government guidance and implementing the ‘Fast Track’ scheme in this school to prevent pupils becoming Persistent Absentees.

The scheme requires that all problems which would affect a pupil’s school attendance be dealt with promptly. If your child meets the criteria you will be informed by an additional letter and you will be asked to discuss this matter further with us. We may, if necessary, undertake an Early Help Assessment.

In order to avoid any confusion if your child is away for legitimate reasons please ensure you follow this guidance:

Telephone the school immediately on the 1st day that your child is too ill to attend. Please leave a message on the dedicated absence line giving the reason for absence (e.g. temperature, cough, vomiting etc). Please provide any medical evidence (e.g. hospital appointment letter, medication) this can be e-mailed to

Wherever possible make any medical appointments outside of school hours.                 

If there are reasons for your child’s absence other than illness please request a leave of absence form from the school office to complete and return to the office.

Punctuality is also important. If your child is late they may miss any information that is given regarding the school day as well as the introduction to the lessons, therefore your child is missing vital learning time.  Gates will be open between 8.00 – 8.20. If your child arrives after 8.30 they will be marked as late in the register.

To put the attendance concerns into context, two days off in September places your child into the persistent absentee category. This means you could be at risk of legal action. Our role remains supportive. Please discuss any issues that may affect your child’s attendance with us. 

Yours faithfully,

Mr D Morrison
Deputy Principal