Home Academy Contract Letter
Dear Parents and Carers, Building a strong working partnership between home and the academy has...
Electronic Cigarettes / Vapes Letter
Dear Parents and Carers, We are aware of the growing number of children and young...
Year 11 receive a visitor from Cambridge University
Gwyneth Hammand, of Cambridge University, came to visit Year 11 students last week. She delivered...
LAB Christmas Market
Leigh Academy Blackheath are hosting a Christmas Market on Tuesday 13th December 2022, please come...
Staff grow moustaches in support of Movember
Mr Hughes, Mr Ainsworth and Mr Magenis show three strong mustaches grown all for a...
Odd Socks Day – Friday 18th November
Dear Parents/Carers, On Friday 18th November, as part of National Anti-Bullying week, we are inviting...
Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh Award
Dear Parents/Carers, I am pleased to inform you that Leigh Academy Blackheath will be offering...
Fawcett College End of Module 1 Update
Dear Parents and Carers, In Fawcett, we are delighted to celebrate the purposeful, calm and...