Dear Parents and Carers,
Over the coming weeks and months, we will be holding several assemblies for Year 11 only to help them understand what is required to succeed in their GCSEs such that they can better plan for their future.
All students will benefit from our Science of Learning programme during tutor time, as well as the opportunities we are putting in place for extended writing practise in exam conditions, and the range of online resources we have made available to support students.
Our revision sites are now live on our website and they contain further information on all the resources that are available on a subject by subject basis. The site can be accessed here.
A range of extra interventions and support offerings are also being provided to students in the run-up to mocks. You may receive letters informing you that your child is invited to a specific intervention, or to homework club, for example. If this is the case, please do ensure that your child attends – we know from all the evidence that every hour in school is crucial in the run up to exams.
For your child to have the best chance of success, they should be revising for a minimum of two hours at home each night. While doing so, they should be using revision techniques that they have learned in the Science of Learning: by using retrieval practice and testing themselves on the material they have studied (not just re-reading notes). If you see your child re-reading notes at home, please remind them that research has shown that this is the least effective revision strategy there is.
Your support is vital in establishing a good routine for revision and thereby securing success for your child at the end of the year.
Yours faithfully,
Mr J Powell | Vice Principal – Sancho College