Strike Action – Thursday 2nd March 2023

Two students using a machine in the Design and Technology classroom watching it work

Dear Parents/Carers,

As per the letter sent out on Thursday 23rd February re: Strike action, we would like to remind families of the arrangements for online learning on the 2nd March. Please see the key details below:

ALL students will be learning remotely at home, excluding: children of critical worker parents (prearranged attendance), students with an EHCP (prearranged attendance) and SANCHO Year 11 students.

Wherever possible, all remote lessons will be live and will follow the students’ normal timetable for the day. Where a lesson was due to be taught by a member of staff that is striking, alternative work will be set to be conducted during that lesson and students will be able to locate this via their tutor classroom.

An example of the work available on tutor classrooms would be:

Key Stage 3 students: Touch-type, Read and Spell (an award-winning, multi-sensory course that teaches typing, reading and spelling).

Year 10 students should work towards obtaining their “Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (iDEA)”, a vocational platform that is the digital and enterprise equivalent of The Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Year 11 students who are not onsite are expected to revise for their upcoming GCSE exams.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Best Wishes,

E Smith