Ofsted Success – 27th January 2023

Student using a physical diagram of hydrocarbons and bonds in a science lesson

Dear Parents and Carers,

The staff at Leigh Academy Blackheath are delighted to share with you the outcome of our recent inspection, which took place on Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th December, 2022.

LAB is an OFSTED rated Outstanding school!

The four HMI (His Majesty’s Inspectorate) inspectors judged us to be Outstanding in all four areas of the inspection framework: Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, and Leadership and Management. The full report is attached, but some of our favourite highlights can be found below:

LAB provides a curriculum which matches and far exceeds the ambition of the national curriculum’ and ‘this high ambition is the same for pupils with SEND.’ 

‘Pupils’ behaviour in class and around the school is superb’ and ‘classrooms are calm places where pupils can focus on their learning’.

 ‘Pupils show high levels of respect for each other’s differences’ and ‘they embrace the extensive opportunities for personal development the school provides’.

‘Pupils become articulate and confident’ and ‘they are proud to be part of this school community’

‘Staff are proud to work at this school where everyone’s contribution is valued’.

The report validates the drive and commitment of all members of our learning community – staff, students and their families – and recognises the sense of belonging we have built together since our opening in 2018. As you know, our values – of Respect, Integrity, Scholarship, Ambition and Resilience – permeate everything we do at LAB, and they shone brightly during the visit, as they do throughout the report. 

We would like to thank you for the part you have played in developing our very special school community, and as always, for your relentless support.

Thank you.

Best Wishes,
Mrs E Smith | Principal