Dear Parents/Carers,
We would like to start by thanking parents/carers for engaging in the recent Parent Consultation Evening. Following on from this, we would like to inform you of the upcoming essential opportunities for your child.
Revision Google Site
As mentioned in previous correspondence, LAB now offers a Google Site for parents to have a better understanding of the courses students are taking and additional information on practice papers, study skills and how to support your child’s mental health and wellbeing during this critical year. Please click here to access the Y11 Revision Site. Your child has access to subject specific Google Sites through their Google Classrooms. All of these pages have essential resources in preparing your child for revision.
During this last week of the module, your child will attend a study skill session in preparation for their independent work during the October half term. We encourage parents to engage in conversations about preferred study methods and strategies with their children.
Library Study Sessions
From Module 2 onwards students will have access to study sessions in the library every day after school from 3.15pm – 4pm. These will have a member of teaching staff available to support a productive learning environment. We would expect students to attend a minimum of 1 session per week to aid consistent revision each week.
Planned After School Interventions
In addition to the support offered to all students in the academy, a number of students are offered specific intervention sessions with subject specialists to close gaps identified through formative and summative assessments; as well as core subject lessons through MyTutor programme and half term revision sessions. These intervention sessions are compulsory and you will receive an update on your child’s attendance to these; you will receive a letter if your child has been invited to these.
We are looking forward to continuing working together to ensure your child’s progress this year.
Kind Regards,
Jack Ritchie
Vice Principal
Rocio Garcia
Assistant Principal