What will I learn?
Through studying this course, you will develop the following:
Sport, Exercise and Health Science (SEHS) is an experimental science course combining academic study with practical investigative skills. SEHS explores the science underpinning physical performance and offers a deeper understanding of the contemporary issues related to sports, exercise and health. The course incorporates the disciplines of anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, psychology, and nutrition.
Through studying this course, you will:
- Appreciate scientific study and creativity within a global context;
- Acquire a body of knowledge, methods and techniques that characterise science and technology;
- Develop an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and their influence on other areas of knowledge.
What is the structure of the course?
Both the SL and HL have a common core syllabus, internal assessment scheme, and overlapping elements in the options studied. While the skills and activities are common to all students, HL requires additional material and topics within the options.
Higher and Standard Levels
Part 1: Core Content
- Anatomy
- Exercise Physiology
- Energy Systems
- Movement Analysis
- Skill in Sports
- Measurement and Evaluation of Human Performance
Part 2: Options (students to choose two of four)
- Optimising Physiological Performance
- Psychology of Sports
- Physical Activity and Health
- Nutrition for Sports, Exercise and Health
Part 3: Practical Work
- Investigations
- Group 4 Project
- Individual Investigation (internal assessment)
Part 4: Investigation
- Further Anatomy
- The Endocrine System
- Fatigue
- Friction and Drag
- Skill Acquisition and Analysis
- Genetics and Athletic Performance
- Exercise and Immunity
How will I be assessed?
Higher Level
Standard Level
Paper One (externally assessed)
40 Multiple Choice Questions on the Core Content and AHL. 60 Minutes; 20% weighting
30 Multiple Choice Questions on the Core Content. 45 Minutes; 20% weighting
Paper Two (externally assessed)
One data-based, and several short answer questions. Two of four extended response questions. 2.25 hours; 35% weighting
One data-based, and several short answer questions. One extended response question. 1.25 hours; 35% weighting
Paper Three (externally assessed)
Several short answer questions in each of the two options. Additional extended response question. 1.25 hours; 25% weighting
Several short answer questions in each of the two options. 1 Hour; 25% weighting
Individual Investigation (20% weighting, internally assessed)
The internal assessment task will be one scientific investigation comprised of 10 hours of research/investigation, and the write-up should be 6-12 pages long.
This investigation may involve a hands-on approach, use of databases, modelling, simulation or a hybrid. Student work is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which CAS opportunities are available?
Sports Clubs (Multiple); Journalism Club (in partnership with Literature); Sports Coaching and Instructors Club.
Which opportunities for further study are available?
SEHS is good preparation for courses in higher and further education related to sports, fitness and health. Additionally, the course serves as useful preparation for employment in the sports and leisure industries.