Careers Curriculum Map


Core declarative knowledge: What should students know?

  • What is the labour market?
  • What is the difference between skills and qualifications?
  • What is the mean salary in the UK?
  • What are career fields?
  • Which career fields are in demand?
  • How does school prepare you for work?
  • How does the national labour market compare with the local labour market?
  • Why is it important to have high aspirations?

Core procedural knowledge: What should students be able to do?

  • Students can identify key skills required in employment and begin to evidence these
  • Students can log reflections following guidance interactions.

Link to Gatsby benchmarks

2, 3, 4, 5, 6,


  • Deliver assemblies introducing LMI and the relationship between school and employability
  • Displays in corridors and classrooms, information on website
  • Employer visits; Fortnightly career-centred tutor time
  • Young Enterprise competitions
  • A ‘Take my Son/Daughter’ to work day.

Measuring Impact

Subject areas audit Completing a self-evaluation against the Gatsby benchmarks twice per academic year (via Compass) and amending provision accordingly. Students and parent[s]/carer[s] questionnaire.


Core declarative knowledge: What should students know?

  • What are the different career pathways (FE, HE, Apprenticeship)?
  • What is a vocational pathway?
  • What is an academic pathway?
  • What career options are suited to each pathway?
  • How can I find information on different career paths?
  • What are some career choice stereotypes we need to challenge?

Core procedural knowledge: What should students be able to do?

  • Students can identify pathways for a range of career fields
  • Students are able to locate information on different career paths via a range of credible sources
  • Students can create a portfolio of extra-curricular activities and identify the key employability skills these develop
  • Students can identify a range of career choice stereotypes and the problems with these
  • Students can construct a pathway from year 8 to for one or more chosen career[s]

Link to Gatsby benchmarks

3, 5, 7, 8, 4


  • Deliver assemblies highlighting different career pathways
  • Displays in corridors and classrooms, information on website
  • Local employer’s presentations on their progression route
  • Fortnightly career-centred tutor time
  • Research pathways in tutor time and build a personalised career pathway.

Measuring Impact

Subject areas audit Completing a self-evaluation against the Gatsby benchmarks twice per academic year (via Compass) and amending provision accordingly. Students and parent[s]/carer[s] questionnaire.


Core declarative knowledge: What should students know?

  • What different qualifications can you obtain at school (GCSE, BTEC, A-level, NVQ)?
  • Which options subjects link to which careers?
  • What is the EBacc and why is it important?
  • How can we close the gender gap in STEM?

Core procedural knowledge: What should students be able to do?

  • Students can evaluate their options choices in relation to future career pathways
  • Students can create tailored CV’s
  • Students understand the interview process and can identify common talking points
  • Students are able to attend a careers fair and ask considered questions

Link to Gatsby benchmarks

6, 3, 5, 7


  • Deliver assemblies highlighting different the relationship between options subjects and career pathways
  • Displays in corridors and classrooms, information on website
  • Local employer’s presentations on their progression route
  • Fortnightly career-centred tutor time
  • Host mock interview events with employers and students
  • Host a careers fair with local employers and students

Measuring Impact

Subject areas audit Completing a self-evaluation against the Gatsby benchmarks twice per academic year (via Compass) and amending provision accordingly. Students and parent[s]/carer[s] questionnaire.


Core declarative knowledge: What should students know?

  • Types of work experience placements available
  • How to research possible work experience placements
  • How to contact employers
  • What skills do I need for certain professions?
  • What is the difference between a CV and a cover letter?
  • What makes a great team player?

Link to Gatsby benchmarks

6, 3, 5, 7


  • Deliver assemblies highlighting different the relationship between options subjects and career pathways
  • Displays in corridors and classrooms, information on website
  • Local employer’s presentations on their progression route
  • Fortnightly career-centred tutor time
  • Host mock interview events with employers and students
  • Host a careers fair with local employers and students.

Measuring Impact

Subject areas audit Completing a self-evaluation against the Gatsby benchmarks twice per academic year (via Compass) and amending provision accordingly. Students and parent[s]/carer[s] questionnaire.

Year 7

Module 1:
What is the labour market?

Module 2:
What is the difference between skills and qualifications? What is the mean salary in the UK?

Module 3:
What are career fields?

Module 4:
Which career fields are in demand?

Module 5:
How does school prepare you for work?

Module 6:
How does the national labour market compare with the local labour market? Why is it important to have high aspirations?

Year 8

Module 1:
What are the different career pathways (FE, HE, Apprenticeship)?

Module 2:
What is a vocational pathway?

Module 3:
What is an academic pathway?

Module 4:
What career options are suited to each pathway?

Module 5:
How can I find information on different career paths?

Module 6:
What are some career choice stereotypes we need to challenge?

Year 9

Module 1:
What different qualifications can you obtain at school (GCSE, BTEC, A-level, NVQ)?

Module 2:
Which options subjects link to which careers?

Module 3:
Which options subjects link to which careers?

Module 4:
What is the EBacc and why is it important?

Module 5:
How can we close the gender gap in STEM?

Module 6:
How can we close the gender gap in STEM?

Year 10

Module 1:
Types of work experience placements available

Module 2:
How to research possible work experience placements

Module 3:
How to contact employers

Module 4:
What skills do I need for certain professions?

Module 5:
What is the difference between a CV and a cover letter?

Module 6:
What makes a great team player?