Year 7 Transition

Please click on the links below to view an example of our year 7 transition reports, and to watch a video for an explanation of how these reports work.

example report description video

Key Stage 3 Attainment

Only specific MYP criteria are assessed in each of the subjects that your child studies. The combination of these is different for each subject because subjects cover different content and skills throughout the year. Click on each subject below to see a description of what the MYP criteria assesses for each subject.

Criteria A

Criteria B

Criteria C
Producing text

Criteria D
Using language

Criteria A

Criteria B

Criteria C

Criteria D

Criteria A
Knowing & understanding

Criteria B

Criteria C

Criteria D
Thinking critically

Criteria A
Knowing & understanding

Criteria B
Developing skills

Criteria C
Thinking creatively

Criteria D

Criteria A
Inquiring & understanding

Criteria B
Developing skills

Criteria C
Creating the solution

Criteria D

Criteria A
Knowing & understanding

Criteria B
Investigating patterns

Criteria C

Criteria D
Applying mathematics in real-life contexts

Criteria A
Knowing & understanding

Criteria B
Inquiring & designing

Criteria C
Processing & evaluating

Criteria D
Reflecting on the impacts of science

Criteria A
Knowing & understanding

Criteria B
Planning for performance

Criteria C
Applying & performing

Criteria D
Reflecting & improving performance

More information about the MYP curriculum and assessment can be found here.

  • Blank cells
    Some cells may be blank if the subject has not assessed that particular MYP criteria yet. These will be covered later in the academic year (at least twice).
  • Target grade
    This is your child’s end of Y9 MYP target grade based on KS2 prior attainment. 
  • Progress comment
    Your child’s progress has been described in words. The comment is used to describe progress reflecting the standard of classwork and homework completed, as well as expectations of where students should be at this point in a particular subject. This comment helps to give context to the difference between your child’s current grades and their target grades.

As you will know, our values – respect, integrity, ambition, scholarship and resilience – are integral to all we do here at Leigh Academy Blackheath. We expect our students to live these, each day, in the corridors and across classrooms. This is why your child’s behaviour and attitude in relation to the values will be reported in each subject area. Each of these values have been graded by all of your child’s subject teachers.

Below is how each of our values should be seen regularly in the way your child conducts themselves in our academy.


  • Do they listen intently and actively to their teacher and peers, without prompting?
  • Do they work effectively and willingly with others?
  • Do they demonstrate a commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and to the environment?


  • Do they act with a strong sense of fairness and respect for the dignity of the individual?
  • Are they principled and articulate in defending their beliefs?
  • Do they seek and evaluate various points of view, and show a willingness to grow from the experience?


  • Do they give their best effort during extended independent activity?
  • Do they take creative risks during discussion and independent study?
  • Do they approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with boldness and the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies?


  • Do they produce well-presented work representative of the best of their current academic ability?
  • Do they demonstrate a thirst for learning through insightful questions and further reading?
  • Do they actively engage with learning?


  • Do they persevere in the face of challenge?
  • Are they able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development?
  • Do they respond positively to feedback, reflecting on their mistakes and viewing these as opportunities to grow?

Below are the behaviour and attitude indicators used to grade the values in each subject.

Displayed instinctively
as part of their character

Displayed with increasing consistency
improving but reliant on extrinsic motivation

Displayed inconsistently
compliant but requires prompting from the teachers

Displayed rarely
student displays poor habits which restrict progress

All assessments that your child completes are hole punched and in the back of their subject exercise books. This is the best resource to use when supporting your child in closing any gaps in their knowledge. This will also be accompanied by a Progress Tracker that is completed in conjunction with their classroom teacher. Feedback will have been given and areas of improvement highlighted.

Throughout your child’s book, there will also be ‘Crib Sheets’ that include feedback on topics that have just been completed. If you have any questions about how to support your child, please contact their classroom teacher.

In the next report you receive, there will just be one MYP interim grade for each subject. At this point, more assessments will have been completed (at least one per criterion) which will allow us to generate an overall interim grade using all 4 criteria.

In the end of year report, there will be one MYP end of year grade for each subject. This will be generated by using all assessment information across all 4 criteria from throughout the year.

Year 10 Attainment

Please click on the links below to view an example of our year 10 attainment reports, and to watch a video for an explanation of how these reports work.

example report description video

Year 11 Attainment

  • End of year target grade
    This is your child’s end of Y11 GCSE Target grade based on their performance in KS3. Please note that due to COVID, the way target grades are calculated will be different in the exam years 2025 and 2026.
  • Mock grade
    Indicates the grade your child is achieved in the most recent round of Mock assessments at the end of Module 2.
  • Forecast grade
    These are predictions of the grade a student is likely to score at GCSE based on their most recent subject assessment. All projections are checked, and where necessary adjusted, by staff to ensure that they accurately represent each student’s performance.
  • Blank target grade
    If your child does not have a target grade, this is due to this information not being available from their previous school at the time of the report.

As you will know, our values – respect, integrity, ambition, scholarship and resilience – are integral to all we do here at Leigh Academy Blackheath. We expect our students to live these, each day, in the corridors and across classrooms. This is why your child’s behaviour and attitude in relation to the values will be reported in each subject area. Each of these values have been graded by all of your child’s subject teachers.

Below is how each of our values should be seen regularly in the way your child conducts themselves in our academy.


  • Do they listen intently and actively to their teacher and peers, without prompting?
  • Do they work effectively and willingly with others?
  • Do they demonstrate a commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and to the environment?


  • Do they act with a strong sense of fairness and respect for the dignity of the individual?
  • Are they principled and articulate in defending their beliefs?
  • Do they seek and evaluate various points of view, and show a willingness to grow from the experience?


  • Do they give their best effort during extended independent activity?
  • Do they take creative risks during discussion and independent study?
  • Do they approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with boldness and the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies?


  • Do they produce well-presented work representative of the best of their current academic ability?
  • Do they demonstrate a thirst for learning through insightful questions and further reading?
  • Do they actively engage with learning?


  • Do they persevere in the face of challenge?
  • Are they able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development?
  • Do they respond positively to feedback, reflecting on their mistakes and viewing these as opportunities to grow?

Below are the behaviour and attitude indicators used to grade the values in each subject.

Displayed instinctively
as part of their character

Displayed with increasing consistency
improving but reliant on extrinsic motivation

Displayed inconsistently
compliant but requires prompting from the teachers

Displayed rarely
student displays poor habits which restrict progress

All assessments that your child completes are hole punched and in the back of their subject exercise books. This is the best resource to use when supporting your child in closing any gaps in their knowledge. This will also be accompanied by a Progress Tracker that is completed in conjunction with their classroom teacher. Feedback will have been given and areas of improvement highlighted.

Throughout your child’s book, there will also be ‘Crib Sheets’ that include feedback on topics that have just been completed. If you have any questions about how to support your child, please contact their classroom teacher.

Year 13 Attainment

Please click on the link below to watch a video for an explanation of how these reports work.

description video