Year 10 Parents and Carers Consultation Evening 

LAB Letter Image

Dear Parents & Carers, 

Year 10 Parents and Carers Consultation Evening 

We would like to invite you to attend our Parents and Carers’ Consultation Evening, to take place onsite at LAB on Thursday 21st November from 16:00-19:00. This is an important evening and provides you with an opportunity to speak with your child’s teachers about both their academic progress and their attitude to learning across the curriculum.

Please be mindful that there is no parking available on site and all those attending are encouraged to travel by public transport. If you choose to drive and park nearby, please respect our neighbours by parking safely on adjacent roads.

Bookings are available through our app My Child at School (MCAS). Please contact the office if you are unable to login to your account. Click on the following link for further information about how to book: If you encounter any issues, please do contact the main office in the first instance.

Appointments can be made from 09:00 am on Wednesday 13th November 2024 and will close at 07:00 on Wednesday 20th November 2024. 

Please note that, although we would wish for all parents and carers to have the opportunity to consult with every single one of their children’s teachers, we also recognise that certain members of staff see a large number of Year 10 students, and that it is not always possible, therefore, for them to meet with everybody. 

If you do wish to speak to a particular teacher who is not available, please do email them so that this can be arranged for another time.  

Finally, as we expect a high number of parents and carers to attend, please respect the 5-minute appointment slots and move swiftly between meetings so that everyone has the opportunity to meet with their child’s teachers.

Yours sincerely,
Mr J Smith | Assistant Principal – Sancho