Healthy Relationship Award

Staff members stood with children holding an award certificate
We are extremely proud to announce that Leigh Academy Blackheath has been recognised as a Healthy Relationships Champion School by Tender UK as part of their RESET Inclusive and Nurturing schools programme. This programme is supported by the Mayor of London and the award is in recognition of the nurturing culture to support students’ varied social, emotional and mental health needs. Leigh Academy Blackheath has been working with Tender UK for the past year on the programme supporting the students personal development and RSHE curriculum. Providing students with bespoke workshops, mentoring, curriculum reviews and co curricular opportunities to understand, promote and healthy relationships, manage risk taking behaviours and celebrate a nurturing and inclusive culture.
The award was presented to Principal Mrs Smith by Marie Horner, Tender UK in recognition for the excellence seen at LAB.
We would like to thank Marie Horner and Tender for their ongoing support over the past year and look forward to future opportunities with the Nurturing and Inclusive Schools programme.

Tender – Acting for Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationship Award Certificate