Year 9 Parents & Carers Consultation and Options Evening

LAB Letter Image

Dear Parents & Carers, 

We would like to invite you to attend our Parents & Carers’ Consultation and Options Evening, to take place onsite at LAB on Thursday 23rd January 2025 from 16:00-19:00

This is an important evening, and will provide you with an opportunity both to speak with your child’s teachers about their academic progress as well as their attitude to learning across the curriculum. The evening will also provide you and your child with the opportunity to meet with staff to discuss the structure, requirements and content of each KS4 Options course available from September. Student representatives from years 10 and 11 will be on hand during this time to answer any questions you or your child may have. 

In addition, throughout the evening you will have the opportunity to attend a brief presentation (at 16:00, 17:00 and 18:00) outlining the Options process, alongside the implications of this for your child in terms of both further education and future careers. This presentation will last approximately 30 minutes so please do be mindful of this when booking appointments. 

For more information about this process, as well as the contents of each course offered, please visit the Options page on our website with detailed information regarding the contents of both our KS3 and KS4 curriculum found here.

Please note that there is no parking available on site and all those attending are encouraged to travel by public transport. If you choose to drive and park nearby, please respect our neighbours by parking safely on adjacent roads.

Bookings are available through our app My Child at School (MCAS). Please contact the office if you are unable to login to your account. Click on the following link for further information about how to book: If you encounter any issues, please do contact the main office in the first instance.

Appointments can be made from Wednesday 15th January 2025 at 9:00 am and will close on Wednesday 22nd January 2025 at 9:00 am

Please note that, although we would wish for all parents and carers to have the opportunity to consult with every single one of their children’s teachers, we also recognise that certain members of staff teach a large number of Year 9 students, and it is therefore not always possible for them to meet with everybody. 

If you do wish to speak to a particular teacher who is not available, please do email them so that this can be arranged for another time.  

Finally, as we expect a high number of parents and carers to attend, please respect the 5-minute appointment slots and move swiftly between meetings so that everyone has the opportunity to meet with their child’s teachers.

Yours sincerely,

Mr J Smith 
Assistant Principal – Sancho