What will I learn?

Through studying this course, you will develop the following:

  • Students will develop an understanding of the local, national, international and global dimensions of political activity;
  • Students will see that Global Politics draws on a variety of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities;
  • Students will understand abstract political concepts by grounding them in real world examples and case studies, and also invite comparisons between such examples and case studies to ensure a transnational perspective.

What is the structure of the course?

Higher Level

Standard Level

Part 1: Prescribed Study

  • Power, Sovereignty and International Relations;
  • Human Rights;
  • Development;
  • Human Rights.

Each topic is studied alongside a contemporary political case study.

  • Power, Sovereignty and International Relations;
  • Human Rights;
  • Development;
  • Human Rights.

Each topic is studied alongside a contemporary political case study.

Part 2: Global Political Challenges

Two ten minute presentations on a political topic, taken from the themes below:

  • Environment
  • Poverty
  • Health
  • Identity
  • Borders
  • Security.


Part 3: Coursework

All students complete a political investigation into an area of their choice. Students need to complete their own research, select appropriate sources, reflect on the process and complete a 2,000-word essay.

All students complete a political investigation into an area of their choice. Students need to complete their own research, select appropriate sources, reflect on the process and complete a 2,000-word essay.

How will I be assessed?


Higher Level

Standard Level


2000 word coursework (20%)
Two ten minute presentations (20%)

2000 word coursework (25%)

Final Examination

Paper 1 – 1.25 hours (20%)
Paper 2 – 2.75 hours (40%)

Paper 1 – 1.25 hours (30%)
Paper 2 – 2.75 hours (45%)

Frequently Asked Questions

Which CAS opportunities are available?
Literature Club; Journalism Club; MOOC Courses; Debating Club.

Which opportunities for further study are available?
The Global Politics IB prepares you for any university course that requires students to be articulate, critical thinkers who are capable of synthesising and analysing a wide range of information. You will be very well prepared for an undergraduate degree in Politics or International Relations, and it is appropriate to a range of careers, including journalism, politics, education, lobbying, research, medicine and law.

Is there anything else I need to know?
Global Politics is not just about the politics of the UK and USA. It is designed to help students understand, appreciate and critically engage with a variety of perspectives and approaches in global politics.

Students will appreciate the complex and interconnected nature of many political issues, and develop the capacity to interpret competing and contestable claims regarding those issues.

It is also about contemporary culture, morality, ethics and your place in the wider world. You should be prepared to read widely in your free time, and also take time visiting museums, historical sites and researching online.