The careers programme is reviewed annually. When monitoring the success of the careers programme, the school considers formal and informal measures, both qualitative and quantitative data.
Student Feedback
We are very keen to get the views of students on the Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) they received during their five or seven years at Leigh Academy Blackheath. We will survey students annually to ascertain what students have found informative and what they would like included. Some feedback will be sought informally through the Student Council and after key events throughout the year.
External Feedback
Through working with stakeholders and businesses, we will look to improve links and events through feedback. After key events, feedback will be collated from those involved to help improve events.
Ultimately, the destinations of our students at the end of Year 11 and Year 13 will help us assess the impact of our CEIAG provision. We will identify and analyse the destinations of our students taking into account their prior attainment.