Dear parent[s] and carer[s],
Work experience (WEX) is an important part of our students’ school life. It offers a unique insight into the world of employment and it gives students the opportunity to know how it feels to work alongside adults, how people work together and how objectives are achieved. It is, therefore, an invaluable experience, during which students will learn many new skills as well as make contacts that may prove useful in pursuit of employment later in life. This year, our year 10 students will join their placements from the 1st – 5th July 2024
Work experience does not necessarily have to link to each student’s career aspirations, as many young people do not know which career path they may take in the future. However, it does provide them with the opportunity to develop transferable skills, such as communicating in a formal environment; working alongside a range of professionals; understanding different types of roles; meeting deadlines and responding to direction in an unfamiliar setting.
How can we find a placement?
All students are encouraged to find their own placements. Students tend to enjoy and get more out of their placement if they find the placement themselves. The most successful way of securing a placement is usually through contacts with family and friends. You might also consider asking local businesses directly. Many places of work are used to offering work experience placements and are happy to accommodate students. Remember to talk to lots of different people to get ideas. For example: you may wish to speak to your tutor, teachers and support staff to obtain advice and guidance.
Please note: placements must be secured by 19th April 2024
The academy has invested in the work experience placement tool which is part of Unifrog, a platform students already use as part of their careers programme during tutor time. In the upcoming weeks, students will take part in sessions on how to upload work experience placements to their Unifrog accounts. Once your child has uploaded their placement to Unifrog, the employer will need to complete their section. This will include key information, such as duties and responsibilities your child will be engaging with. Employers will also upload the relevant employers’ liability insurance and risk assessment. Once all of this has been completed, an email will be sent to you as parent[s] and carer[s] to give your consent for the work placement to go ahead.
Unsure of what careers your child is interested in?
Students should use their school Unifrog account to research a range of career ideas. They can also explore a range of careers on websites such as:
If your child has secured a placement:
We thank parents and carers for their support in sourcing these placements. Please note that whilst students are with their placements, the school is not responsible for their behaviour and safety. We therefore ask that parents confirm that the employer has completed all the necessary risk assessments and this is discussed with students. We also ask that you ensure the company has public liability insurance and the member of staff supervising your child is safe to work with children. Whilst students are on placement, we will check in with them either in person or over the phone.
What will my child do whilst on placement?
Many of the actual tasks students will be given are likely to be fairly routine, as organisations cannot risk letting a work experience student, without any training, do work which could have more serious consequences if not done correctly.
Nonetheless, a lot can be learned from observing, assisting or just communicating in the work environment. Students are expected to keep a log of their experiences. This will include reviewing their own work, what the organisation did and any skills they may have used. This diary can then be used as a good talking point for future interviews.
When we find a placement what do I need to do?
Please collate the following employer information and make sure your child has a record of this on their Unifrog account:
- Company Name
- Company Contact Name
- Contact Number
- Email Address (please ensure this is clear and correct)
- Parent Email address (please ensure this is clear and correct)
Many thanks for your support.
If you do have any questions or concerns, please direct these to your child’s tutor in the first instance.
Mr A Rexhepi | Careers Lead