Dear Parent(s) and Carer(s),
Attendance & punctuality
As we approach the GCSE exams, it is important to note that the structure of the school day remains the same: starting at 08:20 and finishing at 16:00 due to compulsory subject intervention (with the exception of Wednesdays, when the school day finishes at 14:00). A reminder of the importance that attendance and punctuality has on your child’s grades. Failure to arrive at school on time will affect their chance to gain the best grades possible.
Uniform & behaviour
For all school days and formal examinations, the same uniform standards are expected as found on our website. From today, all students are to wear full school uniform every day. This includes the days on which they have Core PE. On these days, they should bring their PE kit to change into at the start and end of lessons.
Additionally, our usual high standards of behaviour are expected for the duration. If these standards are not met, the Academy behaviour policy will be applied by staff in its usual way. If students persistently do not meet our behaviour standards, there is a possibility they will lose the opportunity to attend Year 11 Prom.
It is important that students prioritise their wellbeing during the exam period. As previously signposted, we have collated some tips on our KS4 revision Google Site (found here) to support with this. There will also be a wellbeing focus each day during tutor time to ensure that students make space in their day to de-stress.
We thank you for your support with these essential parts of your child’s final preparations.
Yours sincerely,
Mr J Ritchie
Vice Principal